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- /*
- ** optimize strings beginning "\tJxx $+5\n" for "&&" and "||"
- ** ptr addresses 1st byte BEYOND jump
- ** jumpinst is "Jxx $+" (null terminated, no 5, \n, or \t)
- ** len is length of jump
- ** designed to be called from other jump optimizers
- */
- optim9(ptr, jumpinst) char *ptr, jumpinst[]; {
- char label1[20], label2[20], label3[20], *ptr1, *ptr2;
- int bump, len1, len2, len3, match;
- len1 = len2 = len3 = match = 0;
- if(streq(ptr, "\tJMP CC")) {
- bump = 7;
- ptr1 = ptr + bump;
- ptr2 = label1;
- while((*ptr2++ = *ptr1++) > ' ') ++len1; /* save label #1 */
- *--ptr2 = 0;
- bump += len1 + 1;
- if(streq(ptr+bump, "\tMOV AX,1\n\tJMP CC")) {
- bump += 17;
- ptr1 = ptr + bump;
- ptr2 = label2;
- while((*ptr2++ = *ptr1++) > ' ') ++len2; /* save label #2 */
- *--ptr2 = 0;
- bump += len2 + 1;
- if(streq(ptr+bump, "CC") && streq(ptr+bump+2, label1) &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+2, ":\n\tMOV AX,0\nCC") &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+16, label2) &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+len2+16, ":\n\tAND AX,AX\n\tJNZ $+5\n\tJMP CC")) {
- bump += len1 + len2 + 45;
- ptr1 = ptr + bump;
- ptr2 = label3;
- while((*ptr2++ = *ptr1++) > ' ') ++bump; /* save label #3 */
- *--ptr2 = 0;
- ++bump;
- ot(jumpinst);
- outstr("8");
- nl();
- outstr("CC");
- outstr(label1);
- outstr(":");
- nl();
- ol("MOV AX,0");
- ot("JMP CC");
- outstr(label3);
- nl();
- ol("MOV AX,1 ;optim9 - 1");
- ptr += bump;
- match = 1;
- }
- }
- else if(streq(ptr+bump, "\tMOV AX,0\n\tJMP CC")) {
- bump += 17;
- ptr1 = ptr + bump;
- ptr2 = label2;
- while((*ptr2++ = *ptr1++) > ' ') ++len2; /* save label #2 */
- *--ptr2 = 0;
- bump += len2 + 1;
- if(streq(ptr+bump, "CC") && streq(ptr+bump+2, label1) &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+2, ":\n\tMOV AX,1\nCC") &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+16, label2) &&
- streq(ptr+bump+len1+len2+16, ":\n\tAND AX,AX\n\tJNZ $+5\n\tJMP CC")) {
- bump += len1 + len2 + 45;
- ptr1 = ptr + bump;
- ptr2 = label3;
- while((*ptr2++ = *ptr1++) > ' ') ++bump; /* save label #3 */
- *--ptr2 = 0;
- ++bump;
- ot(jumpinst);
- outstr("5");
- nl();
- ot("JMP CC");
- outstr(label1);
- nl();
- ol("MOV AX,0");
- ot("JMP CC");
- outstr(label3);
- nl();
- outstr("CC");
- outstr(label1);
- outstr(":");
- nl();
- ol("MOV AX,1 ;optim9 - 2");
- ptr += bump;
- match = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!match) {ot(jumpinst); outstr("5"); nl();}
- return ptr;
- }